In 1973, I invented a ‘girly drink’ called Baileys Christmas, I am reminded that Bailey’s Irish Cream was cooked up in the ‘70s by two English guys to take advantage of government export subsidies
Benefits as a Reflection of Values / Oxide I came out as trans and started seeking medical care, I worked at a large employer that directly paid for the medical costs of its employees and dictated how their insurance networks process claims. I had the benefits I needed because other trans people fought for them and the company could unilaterally choose to provide them. Startups don’t have this luxury and are at the whims of insurance companies to keep the cost of hiring and retaining employees manageable. Meanwhile, insu...
The Managers Handbook – The Manager's Handbook handbook represents the best of our collective knowledge on management and serves as the foundation of our internal training program here at Clearbit.
Adactio: Journal—Declarative design the inputs instead of trying to control the outputs.
How to Freaking Find Great Developers By Having Them Read Code | Freaking Rectangle probes the most fundamental skills. Reading code is probably 95% of what a developer does as part of their job. Whether a developer is writing new code, fixing bugs, or creating documentation, they are constantly reading. What abilities does a coder need to read code well? There are two important ones: 1) The ability to remember variables and stack locations and 2) The ability to generalize a piece of code once they understand it. I can memorize interview coding quest...
A list of new(ish) command line tools list of new(ish) command line tools
"Our birthright"—Proplifting "crime" divides opinion online"Imagine telling someone that plants growing is theft," one person raged online.
Aromatic plants in nests of blue tits: positive effects on nestlings“Certaines espèces garnissent leur nid de plantes aromatiques, une fois la construction achevée. C’est le cas de la mésange bleue (Cyanistes caeruleus) en Corse. Des études ont montré que cette habitude, qui a longtemps intrigué les ornithologues, était bénéfique aux poussins, les plantes aromatiques émettant des composés volatiles aux vertus antibactériennes et antiparasitaires.”
Habits Garden - Build habits to grow your garden fun and effective way to be consistent
Squeaky | The privacy-first customer experience platform's customer insights platform helps you understand exactly how customers are using your website or web app, without invading their privacy.
Hard to work with. | Irrational Exuberance teams has taught me a lot about my own behaviors and motivations. For example, I overworked for a long time. This left me continually teetering on the brink of burnout, and I had no energy left to absorb the typical sorts of organizational changes that happen at any company. Despite doing good work, I handled change poorly, and I picked up the reputation for being difficult to manage. I’d like to say that I learned from my mistakes directly, but the honest version is that I ...
Mac external displays for designers and developers, part 2 writing about Mac external displays in 2016, not much has changed. LG, Dell, Samsung, and other display makers have either never catered for the specs many Mac designers and developers want, or they’ve reluctantly produced products that have been short-lived or compromised.
Developers spend most of their time figuring the system out does it mean when we say that developers spend most of their time figuring the system out? Why is it important? And how else could we look at this problem?
Understanding Layout Algorithms front-end developers, we often learn CSS by focusing on individual properties. Instead, we should focus on how the language uses those properties to calculate layouts. In this blog post, we'll pop the hood on CSS and see how the language is structured, and how to learn it effectively.
Tripods a puzzle game