Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: learning

112 bookmarks tagged “learning

The Joy of Reading Books You Don't Entirely Understand
It really should be acceptable and normal to say “I don’t entirely understand what I just read, but I loved it.”

Formulas for optical adjustments
A long-standing trope of the design world is that computers are bad at aligning and balancing the relative scales of elements. This is incorrect.

Learn Vim the Simple Way
Vim lessons that get to the point. Build proficiency fast. Improve with detailed feedback.

Knots 3D - Learn how to tie over 150 useful knots!
Knots 3D will show you how to tie more than 150 knots! We take knot tying into the next dimension with unique 360 degree views in 3D space. Grab some rope and have fun!

The Managers Handbook – The Manager's Handbook
This handbook represents the best of our collective knowledge on management and serves as the foundation of our internal training program here at Clearbit.