Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: health

51 bookmarks tagged “health

Who Am I Without My Voice?
I was a singer heading out on tour. Losing my voice was terrifying — but it ended up teaching me everything about myself.

Cow Magnets
Cow magnets are very popular with farmers, ranchers, and veterinarians since they are a well-known method of preventing hardware disease in cattle.

Insulation: first the body, then the home - LOW-TECH MAGAZINE
You could fill a library with reports and books describing the importance of energy-efficient heating systems and home insulation. However, not a word has been said or written about the energy savings potential of clothing, even though there has been a lot of progress in this area too. Modern thermal underclothing offers the possibility to turn the thermostat much lower without sacrificing comfort or sex appeal. The potential energy savings are huge; the costs are almost nil. This ar...

The BuzzFeedification of Mental Health - by P.E. Moskowitz
Did you know that the founder of BuzzFeed predicted that we'd all be yelling at each other about ADHD 25 years ago (kinda)?

The study of obesity is the study of mysteries.

Benefits as a Reflection of Values / Oxide
When I came out as trans and started seeking medical care, I worked at a large employer that directly paid for the medical costs of its employees and dictated how their insurance networks process claims. I had the benefits I needed because other trans people fought for them and the company could unilaterally choose to provide them. Startups don’t have this luxury and are at the whims of insurance companies to keep the cost of hiring and retaining employees manageable. Meanwhile, insu...

Aromatic plants in nests of blue tits: positive effects on nestlings
“Certaines espèces garnissent leur nid de plantes aromatiques, une fois la construction achevée. C’est le cas de la mésange bleue (Cyanistes caeruleus) en Corse. Des études ont montré que cette habitude, qui a longtemps intrigué les ornithologues, était bénéfique aux poussins, les plantes aromatiques émettant des composés volatiles aux vertus antibactériennes et antiparasitaires.”

The forgotten medieval habit of 'two sleeps' - BBC Future
For millennia, people slept in two shifts – once in the evening, and once in the morning. But why? And how did the habit disappear?

The Third Reich Was Addicted to Drugs | The New Republic
At the start of the war, Hitler suffered from gas. Soon, he was taking a cocktail of morphine, crystal meth, and laxatives, a new history reveals.

How Doctors Die | The Saturday Evening Post
What’s unusual about medical professionals is not how much treatment they get when faced with a terminal illness—but how little.