Moon – Bartosz Ciechanowski article about the Moon
Wearing A Salmon On Your Head Is Back In Fashion For Orcas, After A 37-Year Break 1987, there was a strange trend amongst killer whales. Recent sightings show it's back in fashion.
Whole Earth Index lies a nearly-complete archive of Whole Earth publications, a series of journals and magazines descended from the Whole Earth Catalog, published by Stewart Brand and the POINT Foundation between 1970 and 2002.
South Pole Signage close doors quietly!
You're Not Going to Make It read about this one family... They were tired of society. They thought civilization was unraveling. They wanted to live off the grid. Authorities found their mummified remains a few months later. The family died from exposure and malnutrition. They didn't make it. A while back, a prepper tried to
Every Possible Wordle Solution Visualized,309 words interactively laid out
The Art and Science of Spending Money · Collab Fund General Electric CEO Jack Welch once nearly died of a heart attack.
40 Useful Concepts You Should Know - by Gurwinder to help you make sense of the world
Strategy 101: An Introduction to Power - Tasshin you’re interested in strategy, this post will be valuable to you. It shares the the tools that I’ve found most valuable so far.
A CHEMICAL HUNGER study of obesity is the study of mysteries.
The Managers Handbook – The Manager's Handbook handbook represents the best of our collective knowledge on management and serves as the foundation of our internal training program here at Clearbit.
Aromatic plants in nests of blue tits: positive effects on nestlings“Certaines espèces garnissent leur nid de plantes aromatiques, une fois la construction achevée. C’est le cas de la mésange bleue (Cyanistes caeruleus) en Corse. Des études ont montré que cette habitude, qui a longtemps intrigué les ornithologues, était bénéfique aux poussins, les plantes aromatiques émettant des composés volatiles aux vertus antibactériennes et antiparasitaires.”