Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: complexity

12 bookmarks tagged “complexity

The Market for Lemons - Infrequently Noted
New web services are being built to a self-defeatingly low UX and performance standard, and existing experiences are now pervasively re-developed on unspeakably slow, JS-taxed stacks. At a business level, this is a disaster, raising the question: why are new teams buying into stacks that have failed so often before?

Developers spend most of their time figuring the system out
What does it mean when we say that developers spend most of their time figuring the system out? Why is it important? And how else could we look at this problem?

Design’s Unsexy Middle Bits - Christina Wodtke - Medium
In How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Design Thinking, I wrote about how I learned to value design thinking and in Five Habits of Design Thinking I explain how you can build the skill of…

Five Models for Making Sense of Complex Systems – Christina Wodtke – Medium
In one of the classes I teach at CCA, students were confused by mental models, conceptual models, concept maps, etc. I ended up drawing a taxonomy for models on the whiteboard, and it may help…

Welcome to Principia Cybernetica Web
Principia Cybernetica tries to tackle age-old philosophical questions with the help of the most recent cybernetic theories and technologies.