Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: plants

8 bookmarks tagged “plants

Plant care app - Keep your plants alive
Individual care schedule and reminders for your plants, recommendations, step by step guides, identification, light meter and more. Keep your plants alive with Planta!

plant machete — David Bowen
plant controlled robot holding a machete

Aromatic plants in nests of blue tits: positive effects on nestlings
“Certaines espèces garnissent leur nid de plantes aromatiques, une fois la construction achevée. C’est le cas de la mésange bleue (Cyanistes caeruleus) en Corse. Des études ont montré que cette habitude, qui a longtemps intrigué les ornithologues, était bénéfique aux poussins, les plantes aromatiques émettant des composés volatiles aux vertus antibactériennes et antiparasitaires.”

How Many Plants - Indoor and House Plant Resource
How Many Plants is a growing plant care resource and community for ALL plant parents, seasoned enthusiasts and first-timers alike!

The Miyawaki Method: A Better Way to Build Forests? | JSTOR Daily
India’s forest production company is following the tenets of the master Japanese botanist, restoring biodiversity in resource-depleted communities.