Brexit stems from a civil war in capitalism – we are all just collateral damage | Brexit | The Guardian one sort of capitalist, the insecurity and chaos that Brexit will bring is horrifying. To the other, it is highly profitable
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Psychology of Code Readability | by Egon Elbre | Medium no means should this be regarded as truth, but rather a model that I’ve found extremely helpful in understanding and finding better ways of writing code. I think one of the things every programmer…
Can You Get Coronavirus Inside a Restaurant? - The Atlantic risk of catching the coronavirus is much higher indoors.
How do you write simple explanations without sounding condescending? do you write simple explanations without sounding condescending?
Trump Is Trying to Overturn the Election, but I’m Not Panicking—Yet | The Nation the reasons I think the Trump-GOP gambit to deny Biden’s victory will not change the fact that he will become president on January 20.
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Response to Kohavi's note on non-significance in A/B testing - Big Data, Plainly Spoken (aka Numbers Rule Your World) Fung (Principal Analytics Prep, Numbersense) explains a note on A/B testing by Ron Kohavi, which advises against adopting treatments deemed statistically insignificant.