We read the paper that forced Timnit Gebru out of Google. Here’s what it says | MIT Technology Review
technologyreview.com/2020/12/04/1013294/google-ai-ethics-research-paper-forced-out-timnit-gebru/The company's star ethics researcher highlighted the risks of large language models, which are key to Google's business.
Natural Language Processing is Fun! – Adam Geitgey – Medium
medium.com/@ageitgey/natural-language-processing-is-fun-9a0bff37854eComputers are great at working with structured data like spreadsheets and database tables. But us humans usually communicate in words, not in tables. That’s unfortunate for computers. A lot of…
github.com/readbeyond/aeneasaeneas is a Python/C library and a set of tools to automagically synchronize audio and text (aka forced alignment) http://www.readbeyond.it/aeneas/
There are a dozen ways to order a coffee. Why do dumb bots only allow one? – Assist Blog – Medium
medium.com/assist/theres-a-dozen-ways-to-order-a-coffee-why-do-dumb-bots-only-allow-one-27230542636dThis is how we believe the future of bots can truly deliver an experience people love. Give people the ability to navigate without a defined path, while also being able to change their mind at any time.
SpaCy.io | Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing
spacy.io/spaCy is a library for industrial-strength text processing in Python. If you're a small company doing NLP, we want spaCy to seem like a minor miracle.