Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: light

11 bookmarks tagged “light

Moonlight towers: light pollution in the 1800s - LOW-TECH MAGAZINE
At the end of the 19th century, many towns and cities were lit up by powerful electrical lamps placed on towers up to 300 feet (90 metres) high. The arc lamp - the first electric light and the predecessor of Edison’s incandescent light bulb - was extremely bright and much more energy efficient than other lighting technologies from those times. The lamps were too strong for indoor use, but they were regarded as the future of municipal lighting. Especially in the United States, many ci...

The high-tech secret behind the stunning cinematography of ‘Uncut Gems’
How did the Safdie brothers keep a perpetually moving Adam Sandler in focus? With a device called the Light Ranger 2.

fadecandy - Easy to use open source hardware to drive WS2811 LEDs with high-quality color

Programmable Automotive Headlights
Camera, processor and projector instead of headlights to only highlight certain areas, for better visibility in poor weather, anti-glare and improved visibility