How do you write simple explanations without sounding condescending? do you write simple explanations without sounding condescending?
Trump Is Trying to Overturn the Election, but I’m Not Panicking—Yet | The Nation the reasons I think the Trump-GOP gambit to deny Biden’s victory will not change the fact that he will become president on January 20.
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Response to Kohavi's note on non-significance in A/B testing - Big Data, Plainly Spoken (aka Numbers Rule Your World) Fung (Principal Analytics Prep, Numbersense) explains a note on A/B testing by Ron Kohavi, which advises against adopting treatments deemed statistically insignificant.
Kitchen Cleaning Hacks | Kitchn presents have been unwrapped, the parties are over, you're back to work, and now it's time to face the new year — and the state of your house.
Common Causes of Very Bad Decisions · Collaborative Fund psychologist Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini was once asked why people keep making the same mistakes. He said: Inattention, distraction, lack of interest, poor preparation, genuine stupidity, timidity, braggadocio, emotional imbalance, ideological, racial, social or chauvinistic prejudices, and aggressive or prevaricatory instincts. Let me add some more: Incentives can tempt good people to push the boundaries farther than they’d ever imagine. Financial boundaries, moral boundarie...
Coding with voice dictation using Talon Voice · Josh W Comeau this year, I developed Cubital Tunnel Syndrome, a repetitive-strain injury, in both of my elbows. As a result, I pretty much can't…
To Understand Facebook Today, Read Its Earliest Critics | by Joanne McNeil | Oct, 2020 | OneZero a week goes by without another Facebook scandal. Frustration with Facebook and criticism of it — even despair over it and outright hatred of it — seems constant, evergreen. It’s been this way…