How to Build an Origami Computer mathematicians have shown that origami can, in principle, be used to perform any possible computation. Paper is Turing-complete
Socialist Imaginaries and Queer Futures: Memes as Sites of Collective Imagining from Post Memes: Seizing the Memes of Production on JSTOR Hobson, Kaajal Modi, Socialist Imaginaries and Queer Futures:, Post Memes, pp. 327-352
We read the paper that forced Timnit Gebru out of Google. Here’s what it says | MIT Technology Review company's star ethics researcher highlighted the risks of large language models, which are key to Google's business.
I Didn’t Want to Offend You: The Cost of Avoiding Sensitive Questions by Einav Hart, Eric VanEpps, Maurice E. Schweitzer :: SSRN a conversation, individuals balance competing concerns, such as the motive to gather information and the motives to avoid discomfort and to create a favo
Losers: Recovering Lost Property in Japan and the United States by Mark D. West :: SSRN Article examines the lost property regime of Japan, which has one of the most impressive reputations in the world for returning lost property to its rightf
Sketchsheets - Ready to print sketch sheet templates for UX designers is an open source project dedicated to providing free printable templates of the latest devices and platforms for wireframing designs.
guest post: artificial intelligence discovers gayface. sigh. – scatterplot following is a guest post by Greggor Mattson. AI Can’t Tell if You’re Gay… But it Can Tell if You’re a Walking Stereotype. [First published September 9th. This post has been updated with subsequent information, denoted by square brackets, cited on this resource of responses to the story by tweeters, bloggers, media, and Kosinski himself].…
The social model of disability: an outdated ideology? paper explore the background to British academic and political debates over the social model, and argue that the time has come to move beyond this position. Three central criticisms of the British social model are presented, focusing on: the issue of impairment; the impairment/disability dualism; and the issue of identity. It is suggested that an embodied ontology offers the best starting point for disability studies, and some signposts on the way to a more adequate social theory...