ReScience/ReScience: The ReScience journal. Reproducible Science is Good. Replicated Science is better. ReScience journal. Reproducible Science is Good. Replicated Science is better.
PhinisheD is a discussion and support group for students who cannot seem to finish their dissertations or theses
Physical and tangible information visualization in the most general sense of external, physical representations of information are older than the invention of writing. Generally, external representations promote external cognition and visual thinking, and humans developed a rich set of skills for crafting and exploring them. Computers immensely increased the amount of data we can collect and process as well as diversified the ways we can represent it visually. Computer-supported visualization systems, studied in the...
Refusal as Research Method in Discard Studies « Discard Studies refusal is a practice by which researchers and research participants together decide not to make particular information available for use within the academy. Its purpose is not to bury information, but to ensure that communities are able to respond to issues on their own terms.
BibSonomy :: home blue social bookmark and publication sharing system.
Joseph Kosuth - Wikipedia> see chairs description too
Design is about values — Mike Press — Medium makes a statement of what we want the world to be like. And in doing so, it is a political activity. Values are political, values express preferences about what problems are worth solving, and in whose interests they are solved. Values determine the degree to which design liberates or empowers the individual and those communities that make up the wider society.
Word or LaTeX typesetting: which one is more productive? Finally, scientifically assessed | Computer science | Mapping Ignorance also rebuttal:
Debates in the Digital Humanities, theorising, critiquing, practicing and teaching Digital Humanities. + interesting web-based ebook & commenting interface
Programmable Automotive Headlights, processor and projector instead of headlights to only highlight certain areas, for better visibility in poor weather, anti-glare and improved visibility
Software studies“inter-disciplinary enquiry into the nature of the culture of computational objects, practices, processes and structures”
How does Facebook’s timeline shape identity? | The Timekeeper Project generously respond by musing on how search engines mask the temporal dimension of identity and to what extent Facebook’s social dynamics differ from the playground, through to the prospect of what a social media life-map would look like if designed by quantum computing “where there really is no concept of time”.