The Divine Teachings of ‘Fucking the Text Man for Texts’ five years after the original tweet, it's become an undying meme that tears at the complicated fabric of modern desire
How to get 7th graders to smoke - by Adam Mastroianni "fuzzy, wet, and unfalsifiable"
sincerely, rob dubbin ( my new chrome extension, in the millennials/snake-people tradition, to fix one of the major aesthetic liabilities on the internet right now: "I asked ChatGPT" phrases in posts and headlines. Join me and free yourself by installing My Stupid Friend
Rules for Writing Software Tutorials · Refactoring English writing for software developers
Alsace, dans la tourmente de l'histoire - Documentaire - Public Sénat
Maisons à colombage, cigognes, vin, choucroute, coiffes, accent : ces images et clichés de l'Alsace occupent l'imaginaire de tous les Français ou presque. Peu d'autres régions peuvent se prévaloir d'un patrimoine aussi sympathique et populaire. Mais derrière cette prospérité apparente et l'amour du travail bien fait, se révèle une histoire plus douloureuse. Ravagée par trois guerres en moins d'un siècle, l'Alsace a vu ses habitants contraints de changer quatre fois de nationalité le temps d'une vie humaine. Un destin tourmenté, hors du commun, et mal connu du reste du pays.
Cognitive load reading code, you put things like values of variables, control flow logic and call sequences into your head. The average person can hold roughly four such chunks in working memory. Once the cognitive load reaches this threshold, it becomes much harder to understand things. Let's say we have been asked to make some fixes to a completely unfamiliar project. We were told that a really smart developer had contributed to it. Lots of cool architectures, fancy libraries and trendy technologies were used. In other words, the author had created a high cognitive load for us.
Moon – Bartosz Ciechanowski article about the Moon
Humphrey’s world: how the Samuel Smith beer baron built Britain’s strangest pub chain the 1970s, Humphrey Smith has acquired scores of pubs and historic properties around the UK. But time after time, he has left the buildings empty. Why has he allowed his empire to moulder?
The People Deliberately Killing Facebook this post? Why not try the podcast version? Please download it, and also all the other episodes. Over the last decade, few platforms have declined quite as rapidly and visibly as Facebook and Instagram. What used to be apps for catching up with your friends and family are now
The Myth of the Loneliness Epidemic—Asterisk we really living through a uniquely lonely moment in American history? When it comes to friendship, this isn’t the first time that authorities have cried wolf.