Victor Loux Bookmarks

A feed of interesting articles and websites I have recently read. Check out my newsletter for a digest of the best!

No one buys books
Everything we learned about the publishing industry from Penguin vs. DOJ.

Taylor Swift does not exist
A letter from within a letter and a name from within the names and gaps from within the revealed

Trekking Across Switzerland, Guided by Locals’ Hand-Drawn Maps (Gift Article)
Nostalgic for a time before ubiquitous connectivity, a writer ditched his phone and relied instead on serendipity — and maps made by people he met along the way.

The puzzle as propaganda
At the height of African decolonization, radical writers turned to interactive features like competitions and quizzes to engage their audiences.

This Crystal Fragment turns everything you see into 8-bit Pixel Art, and it’s FASCINATING There is no denying that modern graphic resolutions have reached unachievable heights. Yet, there are many with an emotional connect to pixelated style: an art form that rekindles memories of early computers and video game graphics. If you’re one of them, who rejoices the blurring the lines between analog and digital, you can (when

Why users are ignoring your features
Simple techniques to increase feature usage, retention and ultimately alter how users perceive the value of your product.

The Joy of Reading Books You Don't Entirely Understand
It really should be acceptable and normal to say “I don’t entirely understand what I just read, but I loved it.”

Adam Curtis on the Dangers of Self-Expression
BBC journalist and the documentarian behind HyperNormalisation, Adam Curtis, discusses art, individualism, power, myth, and the complications of self-expression.

Who Am I Without My Voice?
I was a singer heading out on tour. Losing my voice was terrifying — but it ended up teaching me everything about myself.

Finding the Hardest Spelling Bee Puzzle
The Spelling Bee is a word puzzle published daily by The New York Times. The rules are very simple, which got me thinking about generating puzzles automatically. In this project, I created a metric for measuring the approximate difficulty of Spelling Bee puzzles, which I used to study the space of all Spelling Bees. In particular, I found the easiest and hardest puzzles, and also looked at how the subset of human curated puzzles published by The New York Times fit into the broader space.