Refusal as Research Method in Discard Studies « Discard Studies refusal is a practice by which researchers and research participants together decide not to make particular information available for use within the academy. Its purpose is not to bury information, but to ensure that communities are able to respond to issues on their own terms.
Fatou Diome « Je suis là pour gâcher le sommeil des puissants » | Times24
Je ne suis pas allée en Finlande ou au Japon… Je suis venue en France. Parce que culturellement je partage plus avec la France. La culture, c’est une forme de génétique. C’est la chose la plus déterminante dans la construction d’un être humain, de son rapport au monde et de son rapport aux autres.
What's Wrong with Cultural Appropriation? These 9 Answers Reveal Its Harm — Everyday Feminism up as Pocahontas, eating burritos, practicing yoga – what exactly counts as cultural appropriation, and what's the big deal? You've gotta read this to find out.