Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: gender

23 bookmarks tagged “gender

The Bumpy Typeface project challenges us to rethink our assumptions about gender through type design
Italian designer Beatrice Caciotti’s research shows us how gendered connotations have made their way into the genealogy of type design.

How to collect gender data – Samsung Internet Developers – Medium
So you are writing a form or building a website where you’re collecting data from your users, you want to add in a gender field. Why? Asking for someone’s gender may be for a variety of purposes…

Reflecting on one very, very strange year at Uber — Susan J. Fowler
As most of you know, I left Uber in December and joined Stripe in January. I've gotten a lot of questions over the past couple of months about why I left and what my time at Uber was like. It's a strange, fascinating, and slightly horrifying story that deserves to be told while it is still fresh in my mind, so here we go. 

Gay marriage: the database engineering perspective @ Things Of Interest
And then they hit "submit" and the information is filed away electronically in databases which simply keel over or belch integrity errors when presented with something so profound as a man and another man who love each other enough to want to file joint tax returns.

Une place à prendre ou à laisser?
Quelle place les hommes peuvent occuper dans le mouvement féministe? Trois féministes répondent à la question.