How to Pick a Custom Font - WWDC 2017 - Videos - Apple Developer a custom font for your app can be a daunting task involving both functional and stylistic decisions. Gain a solid understanding...
Mathematics Into Type - Ellen Swanson, Arlene Ann O'Sean, Antoinette Tingley Schleyer - Google Books edition, updated by Arlene O'Sean and Antoinette Schleyer of the American Mathematical Society, brings Ms. Swanson's work up to date, reflecting the more technical reality of publishing today. While it includes information for copy editors, proofreaders, and production staff to do a thorough, traditional copyediting and proofreading of a manuscript and proof copy, it is increasingly more useful to authors, who have become intricately involved with the typesetting of their manusc...
Refills - Type Systems and patterns built with Bourbon and Neat.
Through Her Eyes | Signature Intl fully immersive digital experience with Emmanuelle Seigner through Creativity.
Word or LaTeX typesetting: which one is more productive? Finally, scientifically assessed | Computer science | Mapping Ignorance also rebuttal:
MathJax to display MathML/TeX on web pages, in a clean way (high quality typography, scalable, uses CSS & webfonts)