What time is it on the Moon?
nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00185-zSatellite navigation systems for lunar settlements will require local atomic clocks. Scientists are working out what time they will keep.
How Did We Get So Obsessed with Streaks?
annehelen.substack.com/p/how-did-we-get-so-obsessed-with-streaksGood and bad gamification with Adrian Hon
The Diminishing Returns of Calendar Culture
annehelen.substack.com/p/the-diminishing-returns-of-calendarOr, The Misery of Monochronic Time
The Mystery of John Titor: Hoax or Time Traveler? - Pacific Standard
psmag.com/environment/the-mystery-of-john-titor-hoax-or-time-traveler-57001A person named "John Titor" started posting on the Internet one day, claiming to be from the future and predicting the end of the world. Then he suddenly disappeared, never to be heard from again.
Productivity Isn’t About Time Management. It’s About Attention Management. - The New York Times
nytimes.com/2019/03/28/smarter-living/productivity-isnt-about-time-management-its-about-attention-management.html“Time management” is not a solution — it’s actually part of the problem.
The UX Secret That Will Ruin Apps For You | Co.Design
fastcodesign.com/3061519/evidence/the-ux-secret-that-will-ruin-apps-for-youFacebook servers crunch your data in milliseconds, but the user interface takes longer to load. That's by design.