Pursuits That Can’t Scale
workingtheorys.com/p/pursuits-that-cant-scale“Society tends to paint a picture that the final act of every big dreamer’s journey is in scaling up to unimaginable heights, but I think it’s the opposite – it’s actually in scaling back down after trying to reach the proverbial top. Make time to pursue things that can’t scale. I’d bet it does you as much good as ‘real’ therapy ever could”
Legal Lullabies
zzzuckerberg.com/Soothing white noice made with Instagram's and TikTok's terms of services.
Five Tips for Creating a Fantastic UX Résumé | by Jessica Ivins | Medium
medium.com/@jessicaivins/five-tips-for-creating-a-fantastic-ux-r%C3%A9sum%C3%A9-51e7350cc2a2The first thing our students learn about résumés at Center Centre is this: The primary goal of a résumé is to get you a job interview. Using that goal as a guide, I worked with the Center Centre…
How to answer questions in a helpful way
jvns.ca/blog/answer-questions-well/How to answer questions in a helpful way
I've Built Multiple Growth Teams. Here's Why I Won't Do It Again. | CXL
conversionxl.com/blog/dont-build-growth-teams/Big success. Bigger failure. And lots of lessons. Learn why building a growth team may be a multi-million dollar mistake.
Sideways Dictionary
sidewaysdictionary.com/Sideways dictionary — it's like a dictionary, but using analogies instead of definitions. Use it as a tool for finding and sharing helpful analogies to explain technological ideas. Because if everyone understands technology better, we can make technology work better for everyone.
Out of Office Hours
outofofficehours.com/Creating dialog between newcomers and people working in the tech industry.
Programmable Automotive Headlights
cs.cmu.edu/~ILIM/projects/IL/smartHeadlight/Camera, processor and projector instead of headlights to only highlight certain areas, for better visibility in poor weather, anti-glare and improved visibility