Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: relationships

8 bookmarks tagged “relationships

‘Best Friends’ Are a Surprisingly Recent Phenomenon
We weren’t always so taken with dynamic duos. But in recent decades, we’ve come to expect that people should have one closest companion.

Confessions of a Perpetually Single Woman
My entire adult life, I’ve wrestled with the too-often-asked question posed by men in my bed and kind old ladies alike—Why are you alone?

I Didn’t Want to Offend You: The Cost of Avoiding Sensitive Questions by Einav Hart, Eric VanEpps, Maurice E. Schweitzer :: SSRN
Within a conversation, individuals balance competing concerns, such as the motive to gather information and the motives to avoid discomfort and to create a favo

Esther Perel: Rethinking infidelity ... a talk for anyone who has ever loved | Talk Video |
Infidelity is the ultimate betrayal. But does it have to be? Relationship therapist Esther Perel examines why people cheat, and unpacks why affairs are so traumatic: because they threaten our emotional security. In infidelity, she sees something unexpected — an expression of longing and loss. A must-watch for anyone who has ever cheated or been cheated on, or who simply wants a new framework for understanding relationships.