Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: inclusivity

6 bookmarks tagged “inclusivity

We need to talk about Jakob • Buttondown
Jakob Nielsen woke up one morning last week and chose violence. If you haven’t read his recent post, “Accessibility Has Failed: Try Generative UI =...

The social model of disability: an outdated ideology?
The paper explore the background to British academic and political debates over the social model, and argue that the time has come to move beyond this position. Three central criticisms of the British social model are presented, focusing on: the issue of impairment; the impairment/disability dualism; and the issue of identity. It is suggested that an embodied ontology offers the best starting point for disability studies, and some signposts on the way to a more adequate social theory...

Gay marriage: the database engineering perspective @ Things Of Interest
And then they hit "submit" and the information is filed away electronically in databases which simply keel over or belch integrity errors when presented with something so profound as a man and another man who love each other enough to want to file joint tax returns.