These 13 datasets (the Datasaurus, plus 12 others) each have the same summary statistics (x/y mean, x/y standard deviation, and Pearson's correlation) to two decimal places, while being drastically different in appearance. This work describes the technique we developed to create this dataset, and others like it.
Inequality and unfairness are not the same thing. Starmans, Sheskin and Bloom summarize evidence showing that people are bothered not by economic inequality, but rather by economic unfairness.
We investigate the anecdotal belief that end users will pick up and plug in USB flash drives they find by completing a controlled experiment in which we drop 297 flash drives on a large university campus. We find that the attack is effective with an estimated success rate of 45–98% and expeditious with the first drive connected in less than six minutes. We analyze the types of drives users connected and survey those users to understand their motivation and security profile. We find t...
A curated list of data visualizations research papers, books, blog posts, and other readings. I aim to limit this to pieces that will be of interest to practitioners as well as academics.
Cet article interroge la manière dont le mouvement du logiciel libre se trouve constitué dans de nombreux discours en modèle d‘avant-garde de transformations sociales globales. Je montre ainsi comment l’on passe d’une pratique singulière, mise en œuvre par les communautés du libre, à des théories sociologiques, économiques ou philosophiques, qui s’en inspirent largement. Je m’appuie pour ce faire sur les ouvrages récents de Pekka Himanen, Yann Moulier Boutang, Antonio Negri et Michae...
The pace of disruptive change is increasing, from the rise of cloud technology, social business, the Internet of Things and others. We feel it as much as other government departments and so we offer this internal research paper publicly, not to present policy or guidelines, but to stimulate debate.
We have moved from a world where computing is siloed and specialised, to a world where computing is ubiquitous and everyday. In many, if not most, parts of the world, networked computing is now mundane as both foreground (e.g., smartphones, tablets) and background (e.g., road traffic management, financial systems) technologies. This has permitted, and continues to permit, new gloss on existing interactions (e.g., online banking) as well as distinctively new interactions (e.g., mass...</...
We present an interaction model for beyond-desktop visualizations that combines the visualization reference model with the instrumental interaction paradigm. Beyond-desktop visualizations involve a wide range of emerging technologies such as wall- sized displays, 3D and shape-changing displays, touch and tangible input, and physical information visualizations. While these technologies allow for new forms of interaction, they are often studied in isolation. New conceptual models are n...