Every Possible Wordle Solution Visualized
perthirtysix.com/essay/wordle-solutions-visualized2,309 words interactively laid out
Aspect — Build UI, fast
dev.aspect.app/Web site created using create-react-app
Curves and Surfaces – Bartosz Ciechanowski
ciechanow.ski/curves-and-surfaces/Interactive article explaining how curves and surfaces are modelled.
UX Design Challenges | UX Tools
uxtools.co/challenges/A set of challenges to practice UX design skills.
Font Map · An AI Experiment by IDEO
fontmap.ideo.com/Hundreds of fonts arranged using machine learning
Seeing Theory
students.brown.edu/seeing-theory/A visual introduction to probability and statistics.
anarchy.nhx.us/nhx presents anarchy
javierarce/toolbox: A collection of tools, APIs and other resources to use in creative coding web projects.
github.com/javierarce/toolboxtoolbox - A collection of tools, APIs and other resources to use in creative coding web projects.
There There — Works
therethere.is/worksThe work of Jonathan Harris and collaborators