Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: economics

46 bookmarks tagged “economics

La tragédie des communs était un mythe | CNRS Le journal
La propriété commune d’une ressource conduit nécessairement à la ruine de celle-ci, concluait en 1968 un biologiste dans la revue Science. Son article, « La tragédie des communs », a façonné les raisonnements économiques et politiques de ces dernières décennies. L’historien Fabien Locher nous expose les enjeux de ce débat et en souligne les limites dans le cadre d’une pensée de l’environnement. Ce Point de Vue fait partie du Top 10 des articles les plus lus sur notre site cette année...

Damn Interesting
A collection of fascinating true stories from history, science, and psychology. In text and podcast form.

Why people prefer unequal societies : Nature Human Behaviour
Inequality and unfairness are not the same thing. Starmans, Sheskin and Bloom summarize evidence showing that people are bothered not by economic inequality, but rather by economic unfairness.

It Is Expensive to Be Poor - The Atlantic
Minimum-wage jobs are physically demanding, have unpredictable schedules, and pay so meagerly that workers can’t save up enough to move on.

Why There Will Never Be Another RedHat: The Economics Of Open Source | TechCrunch
Open source software powers the world’s technology. In the past decade, there has been an inexorable adoption of open source in most aspects of computing...

What if jobs are not the solution but the problem? | Aeon Essays
Economists believe in full employment. Americans think that work builds character. But what if jobs aren’t working anymore?