Once You Get the Message, Hang Up the Phone
spencerrscott.substack.com/p/once-you-get-the-message-hang-upAn exploration of social media's shortcomings in enacting material change.
What to Do with Climate Emotions
newyorker.com/news/annals-of-a-warming-planet/what-to-do-with-climate-emotionsIf the goal is to insure that the planet remains habitable, what is the right degree of panic, and how do you bear it?
valiz.nl/en/publications/caps-lockHow capitalism took hold of graphic design, and how to escape from it
A More Specific Letter on Justice and Open Debate - The Objective
theobjective.substack.com/p/14203152-3a83-4068-b6b2-a5007b0e2f5bOn Tuesday, 153 of the most prominent journalists, authors, and writers, including J. K. Rowling, Malcolm Gladwell, and David Brooks, published an open call for civility in Harper’s Magazine. They write, in the pages of a prominent magazine that’s infamous for being
Héritages en question dans les milieux militants anticapitalistes
+ salut camarade héritièr·e https://pantherepremiere.org/texte/salut-camarade-heritier%c2%b7e%e2%80%89/
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