Never Use a Warning When you Mean Undo · An A List Apart Article our web apps as smart as they should be? By failing to account for habituation (the tendency, when presented with a string of repetitive tasks, to keep clicking OK), do our designs cause people to lose their work? Raskin’s simple, foolproof rule solves the problem.
Quelle éthique pour le design ? |
Le designer Gauthier Roussilhe (blog) est parti à la rencontre de 12 designers à travers lEurope pour parler déthique appliquée à leur ...
Optical Adjustment – Luke Jones – Medium my early days as a designer, I relied on Photoshop or CSS to tell me whether something was right or wrong. If Photoshop indicated that two shapes were aligned, then they were aligned. If two…
Users don’t hate change. They hate you. – Christina Wodtke don't hate change. Users hate change that doesn't make their life better, but makes them have to relearn everything they knew. In fact, users don't like change that might improve their lives if they don't perceive the value of that change.
Fontjoy - Get smart font pairings in one click helps designers choose the best font combinations using deep learning
Stark colour-blind simulator and contrast checker for Sketch. Design with accessibility in mind.
A Reading Guide For Designers Who Want To Write asked prominent designers and design writers to select the best books and essays for designers who want to hone their writing skills.
Font Map · An AI Experiment by IDEO of fonts arranged using machine learning
Painting with Code : Airbnb Design our new open source library React gallery of real data ready to be placed in your design. Kind of like an App Store for fake content. Want to design with real data ? There's a list for that.