Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: design

558 bookmarks tagged “design

Designing Disability: Symbols, Space, and Society: Elizabeth Guffey: Bloomsbury Academic
Designing Disability traces the emergence of an idea and an ideal – physical access for the disabled – through the evolution of the iconic International

Desperately seeking squircles – Figma Design
This is a story about one Figma engineer’s hunt for the perfect answer to a programming challenge. In a famous 1972 interview, Charles Eames answered a short…

Brutalist design is the bad influence we all need
Like it or not, web-brutalism is moving from something edgy and almost punk to something very mainstream and commercially viable.

Designing Systematic Colors – UX Planet
Mineral UI is the open source design system that CA Technologies is building for use by all of our products. Color is a core building block of any design system, and it has proven to be one of the…

Universal Principles Of User Experience Design — Smashing Magazine
In an ever-changing discipline, it can be hard to keep abreast of everything as a user experience designer. Christopher Murphy provides an overview of universal principles of UX design, ensuring your skillset is built on firm foundations.

Be Kind, Design – Nat Dudley – Medium
When you walk down the traffic-clogged streets of New York City, often considered to be one of the most liveable cities in the world, you might notice something about the cyclists. About 80% of them…

18 Designers Predict UI/UX Trends for 2018 – Figma Design
Designers are always looking toward the future — in our “build and ship it now” industry we’re programmed to iterate ad finitum. In the end, a designer’s obsession always circles back to one simple…

UX How-To with Luke Wroblewski - YouTube
Luke Wroblewski presents how-to tutorials for user experience Intel® Developer Zone: Subscribe to the Intel® Software YouTube channel...

Advocating for Accessible UI Design | CSS-Tricks
Accessibility is a hot topic these days, and the older we web-makers get, the hotter it's going to become! That might be a snarky outlook, but what I'm try

The Most Important Rule in UX Design that Everyone Breaks
There is one principle of organization that every human should adhere to, particularly people who design products. Day after day, I see companies break this rule, and it is 100% of the time to their…

Usability for Nerds
This Wikibook is intended for engineers, technicians, programmers and others who construct and develop technical things and who want their products to be user-friendly.