Fair Is Not the Default - Library - Google Design
design.google/library/fair-not-default/Why building inclusive tech takes more than good intentions
Designing Disability: Symbols, Space, and Society: Elizabeth Guffey: Bloomsbury Academic
bloomsbury.com/us/designing-disability-9781350004276/Designing Disability traces the emergence of an idea and an ideal – physical access for the disabled – through the evolution of the iconic International
Interviewing Cliches | the measures taken
dasaufnahme.wordpress.com/2017/05/28/interviewing-cliches/"Design is the process of materialising preferred futures."
Desperately seeking squircles – Figma Design
blog.figma.com/desperately-seeking-squircles-8eb8db9b654bThis is a story about one Figma engineer’s hunt for the perfect answer to a programming challenge. In a famous 1972 interview, Charles Eames answered a short…
Brutalist design is the bad influence we all need
imaginarycloud.com/blog/why-we-need-web-brutalism/Like it or not, web-brutalism is moving from something edgy and almost punk to something very mainstream and commercially viable.
Designing Systematic Colors – UX Planet
uxplanet.org/designing-systematic-colors-b5d2605b15cMineral UI is the open source design system that CA Technologies is building for use by all of our products. Color is a core building block of any design system, and it has proven to be one of the…
Universal Principles Of User Experience Design — Smashing Magazine
smashingmagazine.com/2018/01/universal-principles-ux-design/In an ever-changing discipline, it can be hard to keep abreast of everything as a user experience designer. Christopher Murphy provides an overview of universal principles of UX design, ensuring your skillset is built on firm foundations.
Be Kind, Design – Nat Dudley – Medium
medium.com/@natdudley/be-kind-design-d28324b7c348When you walk down the traffic-clogged streets of New York City, often considered to be one of the most liveable cities in the world, you might notice something about the cyclists. About 80% of them…
18 Designers Predict UI/UX Trends for 2018 – Figma Design
blog.figma.com/18-designers-predict-ui-ux-trends-for-2018-2d04d41361c6Designers are always looking toward the future — in our “build and ship it now” industry we’re programmed to iterate ad finitum. In the end, a designer’s obsession always circles back to one simple…
UX How-To with Luke Wroblewski - YouTube
youtube.com/playlistLuke Wroblewski presents how-to tutorials for user experience Intel® Developer Zone: http://intel.ly/2huh0eE Subscribe to the Intel® Software YouTube channel...
Advocating for Accessible UI Design | CSS-Tricks
css-tricks.com/advocating-for-accessible-ui-design/Accessibility is a hot topic these days, and the older we web-makers get, the hotter it's going to become! That might be a snarky outlook, but what I'm try
The Most Important Rule in UX Design that Everyone Breaks
blog.prototypr.io/the-most-important-rule-in-ux-design-that-everyone-breaks-1c1cb188931There is one principle of organization that every human should adhere to, particularly people who design products. Day after day, I see companies break this rule, and it is 100% of the time to their…
Usability for Nerds
en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Usability_for_NerdsThis Wikibook is intended for engineers, technicians, programmers and others who construct and develop technical things and who want their products to be user-friendly.