Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: personas

5 bookmarks tagged “personas

Personas aren't bad, and you're not a bad designer for using them | Andy Budd
With disturbing regularity, my Twitter stream seems to explode with posts demonising commonly used, yet seemingly harmless design tools. These posts take great pains to document all the ways these tools have failed people in the past (while downplaying or ignoring situation where they may have helped).

Describing Personas – Indi’s Essays – Medium
People seem to fall into a hole when writing personas, even when they’re doing it based on research: they use demographics to divide between segments and to represent thinking styles. This is a…

Replacing The User Story With The Job Story – Jobs to be Done
I’ve written about the problem with user stories before. At the time, I found it better to just have the team talk over proposed changes to the product. This worked great when the team had gelled and…