Cognitive load reading code, you put things like values of variables, control flow logic and call sequences into your head. The average person can hold roughly four such chunks in working memory. Once the cognitive load reaches this threshold, it becomes much harder to understand things. Let's say we have been asked to make some fixes to a completely unfamiliar project. We were told that a really smart developer had contributed to it. Lots of cool architectures, fancy libraries and trendy technologies were used. In other words, the author had created a high cognitive load for us.
How to Write Better with The Why, What, How Framework lightweight commenting system using GitHub issues.
Tools for a Culture of Writing set of useful tools for cultivating a culture of writing, namely the RFC, the Decision Record and Decision Log, and the Pre-mortem/Prospective and Post-mortem/Retrospective
Overengineering can kill your product - Mind the Product today's post, Simón Muñoz speaks about one of the most prevalent issues when creating products: overengineering them.
By Design history of kitchen design is full of feminist utopias founded on white supremacy.
Magnitudes of exploration. | Irrational Exuberance on a given platform or technology is one of the most powerful ways to create leverage within a company: improve the tooling a bit and every engineer will get more productive. Exploration is, in the long run, an even more powerful force, with successes compounding over time. Developing an investment thesis to balance the ratios and timing of standardization and exploration is a core challenge of engineering strategy.
Design’s Unsexy Middle Bits - Christina Wodtke - Medium How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Design Thinking, I wrote about how I learned to value design thinking and in Five Habits of Design Thinking I explain how you can build the skill of…
Scaling in the presence of errors—don’t ignore... — programming is terrible in the presence of errors—don’t ignore them Building a reliable, robust service often means building something that can keep working when some parts fail. A website where not every feature is...
Dimensions.Guide | Database of Dimensioned Drawings comprehensive reference database of dimensioned drawings documenting the standard measurements and sizes of the everyday objects and spaces that make up our world.
The Saint Francis Convent Church by David Closes in Santpedor, Spain | Yatzer is a small, rustic municipality located roughly 75km north of Barcelona. Overlooking a hilly Spanish countryside, it boasts just over 7000 inhabitants. The town’s two sites include the Romanesque-Gothic church of St. Peter and the Hermitage of St. Francis. Here is where our story of revival begins; where a crippled 18th century church has been restored and rejuvenated with a new purpose and life.