How to improve your WFH lighting to reduce eye strain • Russell Baylis - Designer work from home everyday, I am susceptible to eye strain, eye pain, and dizziness. Having a working environment that’s as easy on my eyes as possible is of critical importance. I'd like to share what I've learned over the years in hopes that it can be helpful to you if you work from home, and like many, have experienced WFH eye strain.
A plan for accessible charts – Benjy Stanton list of user research findings, accessibility report findings, best practice, resources and good ideas that I’ve collected over the past 2 years.
See Now - Sight loss simulator does being “blind” look like?
Accessibility for iPhone and iPad apps - Matt Gemmell to implement VoiceOver accessibility support in iPhone and iPad apps to help visually impaired users. The importance of accessible technology.
jxnblk/colorable: Color combination contrast tester - Color combination contrast tester