The Pentium as a Navajo weaving through the National Gallery of Art five minutes before closing, I passed a Navajo weaving with a complex abstract pattern. Suddenl...
CCTV Footage Cross-Stitch man, I don’t think this could be any more in my wheelhouse: cross-stitch embroideries of CCTV camera images by Franci
Craft — on elevating product quality
Tiny Wins big benefits of little changes.
This to That (Glue Advice) to glue this to that
Design’s Unsexy Middle Bits - Christina Wodtke - Medium How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Design Thinking, I wrote about how I learned to value design thinking and in Five Habits of Design Thinking I explain how you can build the skill of…
Les manuels Roret | Le blog de Gallica
Les Manuels Roret ont été publiés de 1822 à 1939. Riche de près de 400 titres, cette collection éditoriale constitue une encyclopédie des savoir-faire et des techniques professionnelles d’une grande variété.