Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: conversion

6 bookmarks tagged “conversion

Transform a CSV (spreadsheet) into a JSON.

I've Built Multiple Growth Teams. Here's Why I Won't Do It Again. | CXL
Big success. Bigger failure. And lots of lessons. Learn why building a growth team may be a multi-million dollar mistake.

The Saint Francis Convent Church by David Closes in Santpedor, Spain | Yatzer
Santpedor is a small, rustic municipality located roughly 75km north of Barcelona. Overlooking a hilly Spanish countryside, it boasts just over 7000 inhabitants. The town’s two sites include the Romanesque-Gothic church of St. Peter and the Hermitage of St. Francis. Here is where our story of revival begins; where a crippled 18th century church has been restored and rejuvenated with a new purpose and life.

Omni Calculator
Omni Calculator solves 541 problems anywhere from finance and business to health. It’s so fast and easy you won’t want to do the math again!

Converts between CSV, HTML and Markdown. Has a little form editor and a preview.