Victor Loux Bookmarks

A feed of interesting articles and websites I have recently read. Check out my newsletter for a digest of the best!

Auditing Design Systems for Accessibility | Deque
Let's review how to create a design system with baked-in accessibility and how to find and audit accessibility issues in our existing design systems.

Budgeting for creative departments | by Matthew Cunningham | Mar, 2021 | Bootcamp
The following information targets in-house corporate design leaders, managers, or operations who have departments for which they have financial accountability. This article does not cover the…

Competitive Analysis For Product Engineers | Stay SaaSy
In my experience, most professional software engineers in industry have little to no experience doing competitive analysis. That’s a shame, because competitive analysis is one of the most useful skills that an engineer can have.

The experts can stay wrong longer than you can stay alive - Lessons From The Crisis
Early in 2020 Western governments, alarmed by reports from China, asked the international public health community whether they should close borders to limit the spread of coronavirus into their country. The UK government consulted its pandemic flu plans

Fluid Typography
Calculate CSS declarations for beautiful fluid typography headings.

They Told Their Therapists Everything. Hackers Leaked It All | WIRED
A mental health startup built its business on easy-to-use technology. Patients joined in droves. Then came a catastrophic data breach.

Pts is a javascript library for visualization and creative-coding.

Republish — A Vietnamese Typography Project
Republish is a community project by Behalf Studio that seeks to research Vietnamese typographic remnants and revive them into digital typefaces and fonts.

136 facts every web dev should know before they burn out and turn to landscape painting or nude modelling – Baldur Bjarnason
Everything I’ve learned about web development in the almost twenty-five years I’ve been practising. All boiled down into a neat little list that I put together over a week. I’m Icelandic, so I’m prone to absolute statements. It’s a cultural thing. No, I’m not going to explain any of these. There are exceptions to most rules. Web development becomes more complicated the more you pull it apart and less so the more you step back.