Victor Loux Bookmarks

A feed of interesting articles and websites I have recently read. Check out my newsletter for a digest of the best!

The Dangerous Ideas of “Longtermism” and “Existential Risk” ❧ Current Affairs
<p>So-called rationalists have created a disturbing secular religion that looks like it addresses humanity’s deepest problems, but actually justifies pursuing the social preferences of elites.</p>

Technical Debt Is Not Debt; It’s Not Even Technical | Mark Greville
Co-authored with Dr Paidi O'Raghallaigh and Dr Stephen McCarthy at Cork University Business School as part of my PhD studies, and originally published by Cutter Consortium’s Business Agility & Software Engineering Excellence practice on 22nd of July 2021 Take a minute and write an answer to the question, “What is technical debt?” Then read this…

Home | RAWGraphs
The missing link between spreadsheets and data visualization.

How becoming a Covid long-hauler made me rethink disability | The Spinoff
Despite having lived with a disability her whole life, it took becoming one of the unlucky few who experience symptoms long after they should have 'recovered' from Covid-19 that forced Áine Kelly-Costello to reckon with a different kind of disability experience. I was born with a congenital conditi

The elements of product design
A model explaining product design as a stack of decisions built on top of a stack of knowledge. With apologies to Jesse James Garrett.

The Truth About Cast Iron Pans: 7 Myths That Need To Go Away
Are cast iron skillets nonstick? Can you wash cast iron with soap? And more quandaries, explained.

A Tsunami of Disability Is Coming as a Result of 'Long COVID' - Scientific American
Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.