feelings english doesn't have — Are.na
are.na/juliana-castro/feelings-english-doesn-t-haveWords, expressions, and sayings to declare feelings with no translation in the English language.
List of elevator special modes | Elevator Wiki | Fandom
elevation.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_elevator_special_modesElevator special modes are mode for elevators usage in special situations. Anti-Crime Protection (ACP) Earthquake emergency return (EER) Emergency power operation (EPR) Fire service mode (EFS) Medical emergency/Code Blue service (EHS) Attendant service (AS) Independent service (ISC) Inspection...
The Rotting Internet Is a Collective Hallucination - The Atlantic
theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2021/06/the-internet-is-a-collective-hallucination/619320/Too much has been lost already. The glue that holds humanity’s knowledge together is coming undone.
Discoverable design - WWDC21 - Videos - Apple Developer
developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10126/Discover how you can create interactive, memorable experiences to onboard people into your app. We'll take you through discoverable...
CARI | the Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute
cari.institute/Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute
Good Meetings | CSS-Tricks
css-tricks.com/good-meetings/Like it or not, meetings are essential to a good working environment and communication. Therefore, it’s crucial that we work on making them as productive
The 3 principles of designing for flow
blog.superhuman.com/how-to-design-for-flow/The flow state unlocks creativity and turns work into play. With Rahul Vohra's 3 principles, you can design experiences that cultivate this elusive state.
Personas aren't bad, and you're not a bad designer for using them | Andy Budd
andybudd.com/archives/2019/02/personas_arent_bad-_and_youre_not_a_bad_With disturbing regularity, my Twitter stream seems to explode with posts demonising commonly used, yet seemingly harmless design tools. These posts take great pains to document all the ways these tools have failed people in the past (while downplaying or ignoring situation where they may have helped).
What to Include in Your Design Portfolio | Andy Budd
andybudd.com/archives/2021/06/what-to-include-in-your-design-portfolioThe purpose of a portfolio site is simple: to showcase the skills you have to the people who might want them. As such I’m often surprised when I see folks who describe themselves as UX/UI designers, choose to focus their portfolio on the UI side of the equation. It feels to me that these people may be selling themselves short by only focusing on a fraction of their skill-set, but before I jump into details, let’s start with some caveats.
Magnitudes of exploration. | Irrational Exuberance
lethain.com/magnitudes-of-exploration/Standardizing on a given platform or technology is one of the most powerful ways to create leverage within a company: improve the tooling a bit and every engineer will get more productive. Exploration is, in the long run, an even more powerful force, with successes compounding over time. Developing an investment thesis to balance the ratios and timing of standardization and exploration is a core challenge of engineering strategy.