‘When my world fell apart my friends became my family’ | Life and style | The Guardian
theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/jan/13/ella-risbridger-john-underwood-friendship-life-new-familyThe death of her partner at the age of 25 was a devastating loss for Ella Risbridger. But she was never alone. For one thing, her mates would never have allowed that…
Be Kind, Design – Nat Dudley – Medium
medium.com/@natdudley/be-kind-design-d28324b7c348When you walk down the traffic-clogged streets of New York City, often considered to be one of the most liveable cities in the world, you might notice something about the cyclists. About 80% of them…
How to End Homelessness - The Atlantic
theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/07/the-best-way-to-end-homelessness/398282/The first-ever large-scale study on the topic finds that permanent, stable housing can be more cost-effective than shelters.