Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: software

96 bookmarks tagged “software

What is design debt?
What does this look like in the real world? Imagine our team is working on a personal training app that lets users get on-demand virtual training from available trainers. We’ve decided to launch a new feature that also prompts the user to order fitness products. We assume this will be a bonus revenue stream. It makes sense, right? Shouldn’t more opportunities to make money = more money? If our team had done some user interviews and user testing, what we would have actually learned is...

Refrigerate your workspace. Coming soon in 2021

Descript | Create podcasts, videos, and transcripts
Record, edit, mix, collaborate, and master your audio and video with Descript. Download for free →.

blokdots is a simple to use software to build interactive hardware prototypes without a line of code.

People expect technology to suck – kbps
A few jobs ago, I was helping someone with a small tech issue, standing over their shoulder at their computer. The screen was unbelievably dark; I’m not exaggerating when I say it looked to be near 0% brightness. For all I knew, this person had some vision sensitivity or just a basic personal preference that […]

Against Testing | Hacker News
Writing tests (or deleting them, refactoring them, etc.) should always involve a cost/benefit calculation, even if it's a rough mental estimate that's not written down. In particular, that requires answering "How much effort will this test take me to write/debug?", "How much extra confidence will having this test give me?", "What level of confidence do I feel comfortable with?" and "Could I achieve higher confidence spending this effort on something else?".

🌳🚀 CS Visualized: Useful Git Commands - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
Although Git is a very powerful tool, I think most people would agree when I say it can also be... a... Tagged with git, computerscience, tutorial. - develop and deploy full-featured video conferencing
Free open-source video conferencing for web & mobile. Make a call, launch on your own servers in minutes, integrate into your app, or develop something new - CLUI: Building a Graphical Command Line
> “Command line interfaces. Once that was all we had. Then they disappeared, replaced by what we thought was a great advance: GUIs. GUIs…