Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: science

80 bookmarks tagged “science

Scientists rise up against statistical significance
Valentin Amrhein, Sander Greenland, Blake McShane and more than 800 signatories call for an end to hyped claims and the dismissal of possibly crucial effects.

Death of the calorie | 1843
For more than a century we’ve counted on calories to tell us what will make us fat. Peter Wilson says it’s time to bury the world’s most misleading measure

Mas Subramanian's Quest for a Billion-Dollar Red
The world has never had a truly safe, stable, and bright red pigment. The trail may start with YlnMn, the first blue created in two centuries.

How to Sleep - The Atlantic
Should you drink more coffee? Should you take melatonin? Can you train yourself to need less sleep? A physician’s guide to sleep in a stressful age.

Damn Interesting
A collection of fascinating true stories from history, science, and psychology. In text and podcast form.

No, Evolution Is Not Always Dog-Eat-Dog
Survival of the Friendliest: It’s time to give the violent metaphors of evolution a break.

Directory of Open Access Journals
DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals.

Welcome to Principia Cybernetica Web
Principia Cybernetica tries to tackle age-old philosophical questions with the help of the most recent cybernetic theories and technologies.