What’s the Point If We Can’t Have Fun?
thebaffler.com/salvos/whats-the-point-if-we-cant-have-funMy friend June Thunderstorm and I once spent a half an hour sitting in a meadow by a mountain lake, watching an inchworm dangle from the top of a stalk of grass…
F's and V's Might Have Appeared After Agriculture - The Atlantic
theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/03/farming-hunter-gatherers-labiodentals-linguistics/584950/If farming helped introduce f’s and v’s 12,000 years ago, it would challenge the principle that humans’ language abilities haven’t significantly changed since we first learned to speak.
No, Evolution Is Not Always Dog-Eat-Dog
nautil.us/issue/46/balance/survival-of-the-friendliestSurvival of the Friendliest: It’s time to give the violent metaphors of evolution a break.