UX with Intent Frames: Design and Analyze with Content Early | by Workday Design | Workday Design | Medium
medium.com/workday-design/ux-with-intent-frames-design-and-analyze-with-content-early-674f4de94f94Ever wandered through a house and encountered a closet too small to be useful or a wall that divided the space oddly, and wondered, “Who designed this, and what were they thinking?” Now consider, do…
Spotify’s Failed #SquadGoals
jeremiahlee.com/posts/failed-squad-goals/“The Spotify model” got a bunch of companies talking like Taylor Swift about startup culture, but four former Spotify employees reveal the truth: its eponymous way of working failed before it scaled.
UX Frameworks – Make sense of mess and get that spark, faster.
uxframeworks.design/A resource to find and share frameworks for design research, synthesis, and ideation.
How to Analyze Qualitative Data from UX Research: Thematic Analysis
nngroup.com/articles/thematic-analysis/Identifying the main themes in data from user studies — such as: interviews, focus groups, diary studies, and field studies — is often done through thematic analysis.
basecamp.com/shapeupStop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters
Interviewing: more than a user research method – UX Collective
uxdesign.cc/interviewing-more-than-a-user-research-method-81ab92420497The first time I came across the concept of behavior as the medium of design by Robert Fabricant, it really hit home. As a designer, it is easy to fall into the trap of focusing only in the creation…
Scientists rise up against statistical significance
nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00857-9Valentin Amrhein, Sander Greenland, Blake McShane and more than 800 signatories call for an end to hyped claims and the dismissal of possibly crucial effects.
Atomic Design by Brad Frost
atomicdesign.bradfrost.com/Learn how to create and maintain digital design systems, allowing your team to roll out higher quality, more consistent UIs faster than ever before.
Brutalist Web Design
brutalist-web.design/Guidelines for web design that adhere to the tenets and ethos of Brutalism
Frank Chimero · A Modest Guide to Productivity
frankchimero.com/blog/2018/productivity-guide/Design and writing by Frank Chimero