Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: reference

175 bookmarks tagged “reference

iHateRegex - regex cheatsheet for haters
Stop hating regex and start learning. iHateRegex is a regex cheatsheet that also explains the commonly used expressions so that you understand it.

Mental models for designers | Dropbox Design
Curious about product design at Dropbox? Here’s a look at tools we use for solving problems, making decisions, and communicating ideas.

The Raster Tragedy at Low-Resolution Revisited | Beat Stamm
Font hinting is an opportunity to get on-screen text rendering as close to the art of printing as the available screen technologies allow.

The Man in Seat Sixty-One - the train travel guide...
How to travel by train or ferry from the UK into Europe & worldwide... Train times, fares, how to buy tickets, advice & information.

Diverted Derived Design
The term open source is becoming popular among product designers. We see websites and initiatives appear with a lot of good intentions but sometimes missing the point and often creating confusion. Design magazines and blogs are always rushing into calling an openly published creation open source but rarely question the licenses or provide schematics or design files to download.