Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: figma

7 bookmarks tagged “figma

Blur radius comparison
The most common type of blur used on the web and in design tools is Gaussian blur. There’s many ways to describe how blurry the blur is, and implementations vary so much that a blur in one app may be a completely different size to the blur in another app.

How we made our Figma workflow 15% more efficient | by Brooke Altman | Deliveroo Design | Medium
Here at Deliveroo, our Experience team uses Figma as a canvas to capture, iterate and communicate our thoughts in one place. In addition to actual product design, any of our files (especially our…

Formulas for optical adjustments
A long-standing trope of the design world is that computers are bad at aligning and balancing the relative scales of elements. This is incorrect.

End-to-end product copy management | Strings.Design
Strings is a content design and UX writing tool that helps software teams save time and improve their products