Once You Get the Message, Hang Up the Phone
spencerrscott.substack.com/p/once-you-get-the-message-hang-upAn exploration of social media's shortcomings in enacting material change.
Swimming in the Bosphorus Strait With Istanbul’s Most Daring Commuters - Thrillist
thrillist.com/travel/nation/swimming-bosphorus-strait-istanbul-turkeyThe country you are located in is not supported.
Previously unknown Mozart music discovered in German library
theguardian.com/music/2024/sep/19/previously-unknown-mozart-music-discovered-in-german-libraryPiece dating from 1760s, probably composed when Mozart was in his early teens, uncovered by researchers in Leipzig
Design tool canvas handles
bjango.com/articles/designtoolcanvashandles/Design tools often pack a lot of functionality around the bounding box of selected objects. Some of this functionality is represented by handles or icons, but a lot of it is hidden.
Blur radius comparison
bjango.com/articles/blurradiuscomparison/The most common type of blur used on the web and in design tools is Gaussian blur. There’s many ways to describe how blurry the blur is, and implementations vary so much that a blur in one app may be a completely different size to the blur in another app.
Bullshit Remover
bullshitremover.com/Paste crap, get truth.
sissbruecker/linkding: Self-hosted bookmark manager that is designed be to be minimal, fast, and easy to set up using Docker.
github.com/sissbruecker/linkdingSelf-hosted bookmark manager that is designed be to be minimal, fast, and easy to set up using Docker. - sissbruecker/linkding
Age has a Minimal Effect on the Impact Performance of Field-Used Bicycle Helmets | Annals of Biomedical Engineering
link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10439-017-1842-4Helmet manufacturers recommend replacing a bicycle helmet after an impact or after anywhere from 2 to 10 years of use. The goal of this study was
Be a thermostat, not a thermometer | Lara Hogan
larahogan.me/blog/be-a-thermostat-not-a-thermometer/As I’ve learned more about how humans interact with one another at work, I’ve been repeatedly reminded that we are very easily influenced by the mood of those around us. It’s usually not even something we do consciously; we just see someone using a different tone of voice or shifting their body language, and something deep in our brain notices it.
exercism.org/Learn, practice and get world-class mentoring in over 50 languages. 100% free.
Your company needs Junior devs
softwaredoug.com/blog/2024/09/07/your-team-needs-juniorsJunior engineers are foundational to whether a team can collaborate and innovate
Infinite Mac
infinitemac.org/A classic Mac loaded with everything you'd want.
Words on Founder Mode – Rands in Repose
randsinrepose.com/archives/words-on-founder-mode/Graham hints at some of the attributes of Founder Mode but mostly says it’s not a well-defined. It is. Founder Mode is the culture of a company and a culture is defined by the character of the founders. Here are the values I’ve discovered over and over again working with these humans:
Home — Colossal
thisiscolossal.com/Check out books in the Colossal Shop ‘Groundswell’ Celebrates the Pioneering Women who Changed Land Art Two Decades After Its Release, ‘The Art Book for Children’ Gets a Vibrant Makeover Thandiwe Muriu’s ‘Camo’ Celebrates the Multi-Faceted Beauty of Kenyan Culture ‘Bird’ Flies Through the Avian World from Art and Design to History and Ornithology OpportunitiesContinue reading "Home"