Modern Font Stacks font stack CSS organized by typeface classification for every modern OS. The fastest fonts available. No downloading, no layout shifts, no flashes — just instant renders.
Typography is impossible. The practical guide to why laying out… | by Marcin Wichary | Medium Engineering’re a front-end engineer, building boxes and putting text inside them. A lot of websites, and a lot of native apps, are basically that — text flowing into boxes. It’s a testament to typography…
Berkeley Graphics - Berkeley Mono Typeface graphics for professionals
Bulletproof Font Tester your local fonts with a proofing tool developed for type designers. Check kerning, OpenType features, and language coverage. Variable fonts supported.
The Bumpy Typeface project challenges us to rethink our assumptions about gender through type design designer Beatrice Caciotti’s research shows us how gendered connotations have made their way into the genealogy of type design.
Fluid Typography CSS declarations for beautiful fluid typography headings.
Republish — A Vietnamese Typography Project is a community project by Behalf Studio that seeks to research Vietnamese typographic remnants and revive them into digital typefaces and fonts.
205TF, 2 letters that signify at the same time Type Foundry and Typographie Française (French Typography). 205TF is a type foundry that brings together the work of independent typeface designers, some of them well known, others closer to the beginning of their career, all highly talented. Each of them developing characters where a certain French spirit can be felt.
Clément Le Tulle-Neyret | Graphic and typographic practice – Immortelément Le Tulle-Neyret | Graphic and typographic practice