205.tf/TF, 2 letters that signify at the same time Type Foundry and Typographie Française (French Typography). 205TF is a type foundry that brings together the work of independent typeface designers, some of them well known, others closer to the beginning of their career, all highly talented. Each of them developing characters where a certain French spirit can be felt.
Eat My Type
kakadu.ludwigtype.de/A fun game of classic snake with a typographic twist.
Just Another Test Text Generator
justanotherfoundry.com/generatorLorem Ipsum-like generating text that uses only selected glyphs and kerning pairs
quoteunquoteapps.com/courierprime/Courier Prime, a free version of Courier with proper bold/italics and that’s working well on print #type http://t.co/ZWhDhoMG
typecache.com/Type! Type everywhere! http://t.co/27VbvqeT