Pikuma: Isometric Projection in Game Development
pikuma.com/blog/isometric-projection-in-gamesIsometric games are extremely popular. Let's learn the theory behind isometric projection and how it is used by gamedevs to write isometric-looking games.
Curves and Surfaces – Bartosz Ciechanowski
ciechanow.ski/curves-and-surfaces/Interactive article explaining how curves and surfaces are modelled.
ptsjs.org/Pts is a javascript library for visualization and creative-coding.
yqnn.github.io/svg-path-editor/Online editor to create and manipulate SVG paths
diagram.codes/Instant diagram generation tool.
The Raster Tragedy at Low-Resolution Revisited | Beat Stamm
rastertragedy.com/index.htmFont hinting is an opportunity to get on-screen text rendering as close to the art of printing as the available screen technologies allow.
Gamedev Tutorial: Trigonometry Basics – Sine & Cosine | Ming-Lun "Allen" Chou | 周明倫
allenchou.net/2019/08/trigonometry-basics-sine-cosine/[latexpage] Here is the Chinese translation of this post.本文之中文翻譯在此 Overview Trigonometry is a very essential building block to a huge portion of game math.
undraw.co/Open-source illustrations for every project you can imagine and create.
Desperately seeking squircles – Figma Design
blog.figma.com/desperately-seeking-squircles-8eb8db9b654bThis is a story about one Figma engineer’s hunt for the perfect answer to a programming challenge. In a famous 1972 interview, Charles Eames answered a short…