Pikuma: Isometric Projection in Game Development
pikuma.com/blog/isometric-projection-in-gamesIsometric games are extremely popular. Let's learn the theory behind isometric projection and how it is used by gamedevs to write isometric-looking games.
city game tileset by withering systems, loren schmidt, Everest Pipkin
withering-systems.itch.io/city-game-tileseta hand drawn, pen and paper isometric asset pack
Gamedev Tutorial: Trigonometry Basics – Sine & Cosine | Ming-Lun "Allen" Chou | 周明倫
allenchou.net/2019/08/trigonometry-basics-sine-cosine/[latexpage] Here is the Chinese translation of this post.本文之中文翻譯在此 Overview Trigonometry is a very essential building block to a huge portion of game math.