Anthropometrics of Fit – Research – Herman Miller the Aeron chair's three sizes and accommodating seat and backrest material provide a personal fit for any individual.
Webstock '13: Mike Monteiro - How Designers Destroyed the World on Vimeo are directly responsible for what you put into the world. Yet every day designers all over the world work on projects without giving any thought or consideration…
Refills - Type Systems and patterns built with Bourbon and Neat.
Apiary beautiful APIs—Collaborative design, instant API mock, generated documentation, integrated code samples, debugging and automated testing.
Design is about values — Mike Press — Medium makes a statement of what we want the world to be like. And in doing so, it is a political activity. Values are political, values express preferences about what problems are worth solving, and in whose interests they are solved. Values determine the degree to which design liberates or empowers the individual and those communities that make up the wider society.
OFFF is finally fucking fifteen, but I’m concerned... - Baptiste Fluzin - Directeur de création“We should aim at making history. Not collecting awards. I refuse to believe that flat-design is the new cubism.”
Beautiful web-based timeline software is web-based software for creating beautiful interactive timelines that you can share on the internet.