Venting doesn’t work. proved decades ago that venting won’t make you feel better.
The Miseducation of Maria Montessori | The New Yorker method was meant for the public. Then it became a privilege.
Pikuma: Isometric Projection in Game Development games are extremely popular. Let's learn the theory behind isometric projection and how it is used by gamedevs to write isometric-looking games.
Lessmilk Game: Almost Pong space (or tap the screen) to make the ball jump and hit the paddles for as long as possible.
Berkeley Graphics - Berkeley Mono Typeface graphics for professionals
Curves and Surfaces – Bartosz Ciechanowski article explaining how curves and surfaces are modelled.
Building a Lego-powered Submarine 2.0 - magnetic couplings RC sub has magnetic couplings to transmit torque through the walls. No need to drill holes = no leaks. At the end I test it in a swimming pool. Enjoy!Di...
The ‘Zhenlouqi’ Floor Shaker: The Chinese Noise Machine to Take Revenge on Your Noisy Upstairs Neighbors upstairs neighbors? The zhenlouqi is a way more effective revenge than hitting your broom against the ceiling.
Between the spreadsheets | The Economist management consultant’s guide to love and sex, by Alice Hines | 1843 magazine