When life gives you lemons, write better error messages | by Jenni Nadler | Sep, 2022 | Wix UX
wix-ux.com/when-life-gives-you-lemons-write-better-error-messages-46c5223e1a2fError messages are part of our daily lives online. Every time a server is down or we don’t have internet, or we forget to add some info in a form, we get an error message. “Something went wrong” is…
Writing for interfaces - WWDC22 - Videos - Apple Developer
developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/10037/The words and phrases you choose for your app matter. Whether you're writing an alert, building an onboarding experience, or describing...
The Ultimate Guide to Copywriting
neilpatel.com/blog/ultimate-guide-to-copywriting/Killer copy is the backbone of marketing. In this post you'll learn some copywriting tips and find out how to create copy that converts visitors into customers.
🛠️ How To Write Great Microcopy - The Product Person
theproductperson.substack.com/p/-how-to-write-great-microcopyHere are 40 pro tips for writing microcopy.
How to collect gender data – Samsung Internet Developers – Medium
medium.com/samsung-internet-dev/how-to-collect-gender-data-a29f3be2257cSo you are writing a form or building a website where you’re collecting data from your users, you want to add in a gender field. Why? Asking for someone’s gender may be for a variety of purposes…
Respectful Collection of Demographic Data – Sarai Rosenberg – Medium
medium.com/@anna.sarai.rosenberg/respectful-collection-of-demographic-data-56de9fcb80e2Demographic data may be critical to your mission. This article establishes guidelines for respectful design and language for collecting demographic data.
7 guidelines for writing accessible microcopy – Prototypr
blog.prototypr.io/7-guidelines-for-writing-accessible-microcopy-8d52575f5d8eSee Accessible360's lead auditor and co-founder, Aaron Cannon, use a screen reader to browse a web page.