Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: recommendations

7 bookmarks tagged “recommendations

18 Designers Predict UI/UX Trends for 2018 – Figma Design
Designers are always looking toward the future — in our “build and ship it now” industry we’re programmed to iterate ad finitum. In the end, a designer’s obsession always circles back to one simple…

Advocating for Accessible UI Design | CSS-Tricks
Accessibility is a hot topic these days, and the older we web-makers get, the hotter it's going to become! That might be a snarky outlook, but what I'm try

IanVisits - Blog and What's On in London
Ian's quirky guide to cheap events in London updated daily, and regular blog about history, events and geeky interests.

Book recommendations without the cover
Find great books to read without judging the cover. Read first pages of novels without bias, and reveal the author and title if you're hooked.