18 Designers Predict UI/UX Trends for 2018 – Figma Design
blog.figma.com/18-designers-predict-ui-ux-trends-for-2018-2d04d41361c6Designers are always looking toward the future — in our “build and ship it now” industry we’re programmed to iterate ad finitum. In the end, a designer’s obsession always circles back to one simple…
Advocating for Accessible UI Design | CSS-Tricks
css-tricks.com/advocating-for-accessible-ui-design/Accessibility is a hot topic these days, and the older we web-makers get, the hotter it's going to become! That might be a snarky outlook, but what I'm try
IanVisits - Blog and What's On in London
ianvisits.co.uk/Ian's quirky guide to cheap events in London updated daily, and regular blog about history, events and geeky interests.
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